Augment Ventures August 2021 Update
Augment Ventures’ ClimateTech Portfolio Impact
Currently, in order to monitor carbon levels and carbon sequestration in agricultural lands, the industry relies on laborious, in-field physical sampling. The problem of quantifying soil organic carbon (SOC) at scale remains the core focus of the team, but in recent weeks, they have had a technical breakthrough that advances them more than a year in model development.Previously, Cloud’s soil carbon models relied on hyperspectral data, collected through a proprietary hardware and software package from manned aircraft. Their new approach includes a suite of satellite remote sensing data, environmental data, and physical samples which enable Cloud to decrease COGS and eliminate the operational risk of both collecting and analyzing data. This approach has been validated by peer-reviewed literature. This breakthrough enables Cloud to quantify soil carbon for every field in a country while still providing granularity of how soil carbon changes within individual fields.
If you are interested in joining the Cloud Agronomics team, please click here for more information on available positions.
The State of Climate Change – The IPCC Report
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an organization of 195 governments, issued a new report this month based on a three-year analysis of 14,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies. It is the first major international assessment of climate change research since 2013. The results paint a disturbing picture of the current state of climate issues across the globe, including droughts, flooding, fires, and other weather events. It highlights the human causes for such issues and the long term impacts of further climate change. The full report and summaries can be found here.Here are several other summaries of the IPCC report findings from The Economist, Yale, Axios, Bloomberg, and Quartz.